Current Student Resources
Resources for Current Students
The Department of English at UCCS cares about your success during your academic career and long after you graduate. We offer many resources for both your academic and personal growth.
English Major Requirements
For all emphases, students, including transfers, must complete at least 15 credit hours with the UCCS English department and at least 18 upper-division (3000+ level) credit hours. English majors must complete all required English courses with grades of C- or better.
All English majors are required to submit an assessment prior to graduation.
All English majors are assigned an advisor within the department; please see details under “Contacts” on the English department website.
All English majors must register for and attend a mandatory English department workshop in their first year at UCCS. The workshop is typically held at the beginning of fall and spring semesters. Please see the English department website for information on how to register for the workshop.
Academic Honor Code
- Plagiarism – use of distinctive ideas or words belonging to another person, without adequately acknowledging that person’s contribution.
- Cheating – intentionally possessing, communicating, using, or attempting to use unauthorized (by the instructor) materials, information, notes, study aids, or other devices, in any academic exercise.
- Fabrication and Falsification – intentional and unauthorized alteration or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
- Multiple Submission – submission of substantial portions of either written or oral academic work which has previously earned credit, when such submission is made without instructor authorization.
- Misuse of Academic Materials – intentionally or knowingly destroying, stealing, or making inaccessible, library or other academic resource material.
- Complicity in Academic Dishonesty – intentionally or knowingly contributing to the academic dishonesty of another.
These examples of academic dishonesty shall not be construed to be comprehensive, and infractions will be dealt with on an individual basis. It is the obligation of each student to assist in the enforcement of academic standards; infractions – whether by students or faculty – should be first brought to the attention of the instructor.
All students within the Department of English at UCCS are responsible for reading and complying with the following:
Senior Assessment Requirement
Before graduating, students must prepare and submit a senior portfolio. Read the Senior Assessment FAQs to learn more.
Scholarship Opportunities
The UCCS Department of English offers both merit- and need-based scholarships to current students. We also offer the Rubin-Dorsky Essay Prize that recognizes the best student essays in American literature.
Internship Opportunities
Internships allow students to apply and build upon the in-class learnings. English students can do a paid or unpaid internship and earn 3 units of English elective credit after logging 120 hours at their internship site.
Student Clubs & Organizations
Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta is an international English Honors Society. It is open to all English Majors and Minors with a 3.0 or higher English GPA and an overall 3.0 higher overall GPA.
To get the most out of your college career, you should consider participating in one of the hundreds of clubs or intramural sports teams.
Student Support Centers
The Writing Center helps students with writing projects. The center is open for both in-person and online appointments. Appointments are either 25 or 50 minutes long.