Phillip Haisley

Phillip Haisley, Ph.D.

Teaching Professor / Director of Writing Portfolio Assessment English
COLU 1038
COLU 1038

Work & Education

Phillip Haisley is an instructor in the UCCS Rhetoric and Writing program where teaches courses in developmental writing, writing and rhetoric, and research writing. His areas of interest include second language writers, writing assessment, genre-based pedagogies, and disciplinary writing. Phillip has previously taught a diverse range of courses including pre-collegiate writing for international students, technical and disciplinary writing for upper division engineering students, and an array of first year writing courses. Phillip has also served as a text-book editor, as a research assistant on grant funded inquiries into disciplinary writing, as a professional curriculum developer, and as the Assistant Director of the Oklahoma State University Writing Center. Phillip's personal interests include electronic music, science fiction, gaming, hiking, and fine dining.

  • Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Research, and Policy, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
  • M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language, Northern Arizona University;
  • M.A. in English with a Concentration in Rhetoric and Composition, Oklahoma State University;
  • B.A. in English, University of Central Oklahoma