Senior Assessment
Graduating Students

Congratulations on your achievements!
Before graduating, a senior assessment is required. Please see the instructions here which explain how to prepare and submit your senior portfolio.
You will soon see a new page appear in Canvas called the “English Department Senior Assessment.” You will submit your portfolio to this site. The Canvas page will include instructions for how to submit, a link to the required cover sheet, the deadline, and also a link to a survey about your experiences as an English major.
Please contact Phillip Haisley at pheasley@uccs.edu with questions or concerns.
Senior Assessment FAQs
Yes. Passing ENGL 3010 allows you to complete your junior-level campus writing portfolio general-education requirement (PORT 3000). The Senior Assessment is required to graduate with a degree in English in all emphases.
No. Papers must be from courses taken in the English Department at UCCS.
No. Papers must be from courses taken in the English Department at UCCS.
Discuss with your faculty advisor in the English Department. In some cases, hard copies of papers may be scanned, even if those papers have markings. In other cases, you may need to write a note about the missing paper(s) on the table of contents.
Inform your faculty advisor in the English Department about your desire. If they think you’re ready to submit, please send your name to our Administrative Assistant, Ms. Rose Johnson, to receive the canvas link.
The deadline to submit your Senior Assessment appears in the Canvas page "English Department Senior Assessment."
Discuss with your faculty advisor in the English Department. It may be possible to submit a draft of the paper.
The assessment is LATE. CONTACT your faculty advisor in the English Department and the chair of the English Department immediately. We will help you submit the Senior Assessment.
Contact the chair of the English Department.