English Independent Study Courses

Learn About English Independent Study Courses

Selected Course Descriptions for English Independent Study Courses

Independent Study in English. Students may not enroll for independent study in this course without prior consent of the English faculty. a student desiring independent study credit must present to the faculty, in writing, a well-defined topic for research which is not included in the regular English course offerings. Approval for such study must be secured from the department chair before registration. May be repeated for credit with permission of department chairperson.

  • 1 Credit (Minimum) - 3 Credits (Maximum)

Independent Study in English. Students may not enroll for independent study in this course without prior consent of the English faculty. a student desiring independent study credit must present to the faculty, in writing, a well-defined topic for research which is not included in the regular English course offerings. Approval for such study must be secured from the department chair before registration. May be repeated for credit with permission of department chairperson.

  • 1 Credit (Minimum) - 3 Credits (Maximum)