English Graduate Courses


Department of English

English Graduate Courses

Selected Course Descriptions for English Graduate Courses

ENGL 5060: Diversity Topics in Professional and Technical Writing
ENGL 5065: Intercultural Professional and Technical Writing
ENGL 5080: Special Topics in Professional and Technical Writing
ENGL 5200: The Eighteenth-Century British Novel: Defoe to Austen
ENGL 5210: The Nineteenth-Century British Novel
ENGL 5230: Development of the American Novel I
ENGL 5240: Development of the American Novel II
ENGL 5250: Contemporary Novel
ENGL 5300: Studies in American Literature and Culture
ENGL 5400: Genre Studies
ENGL 5500: Studies in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature
ENGL 5700: Seminar in Literary Theory
ENGL 5800: Writing Center Theory and Practice
ENGL 5810: Special Topics in the Teaching of Writing
ENGL 5820: Classical Rhetoric
ENGL 5830: Rhetoric and Writing: Survey in Contemporary Approaches to Teaching Writing
ENGL 5840: Graduate Practicum for Writing Instructors
ENGL 5850: History of the English Language
ENGL 5860: Special Topics in Rhetoric and Writing
ENGL 5880: Topics in Public Rhetorics
ENGL 5950: Seminar in Literary Topics
ENGL 5970: Seminar in Shakespeare Studies
ENGL 5973: Shakespeare and Sustainability
ENGL 5980: Seminar in Major Authors
ENGL 6960: Renaissance Drama Exclusive of Shakespeare